Message from the President

In Geneva, focal point of the multilateral diplomacy and hub for the global governance, we invite you to become a partner and an agent for the betterment of the world, for excellence in management and for values driven innovation.
What about excelling in competitive situations ? Yes our world is competitive but on the other hand we need at least as much cooperative behaviours in order to improve several economic and political situations we better take care of if we don’t want them to get out of control. Allow me two words more about the issue of competition versus cooperation: Darwin never said that competition is the only mecanism fostering life. And in fact, since many years and increasingly today life sciences teach us about the importance of cooperation with great numbers of examples. Cooperation is about creation and about complementarity, whereas competition is about selection of the fittest solution. And mind you, this concept has a tremendous importance in human interactions. This is why we put great attention on the issue of cooperation. And we do so not only in the contents of our courses, we invite the community of our school – students, faculty and administration – to become aware of this issue and to act accordingly. This is a key point if we want to talk about advanced concepts for development and for studies: cooperation and competition, innovation and effective management walk always hand in hand.
Said this, you understand why you may experience a different feeling when interacting with us, compared with mainstream institutions. Welcome on board, together we strive to achieve remarkable things !

Muise Wahabdeen
President, Geneva Nations Institute