The leadership toolbox
Leadership styles – Reaching out to a new entrepreneurship/leadership – Co-construction – Employee ownership – Getting collective intelligence to perform: Leading public and participatory processes – Individual versus group performance: composing work preferences for specific results with the tool Leonardo 3.4.5 – Meta programs on motivation and decision making – Influencing decisions
Learning objectives: After the participation in this module, the student is able to
- Use different types of leadership according to the organisational context and the challenges it has to face
- Practice effective teamwork taking into account the requirements of the business situation and the availability of specific talents in the team
- Use emotional intelligence to create social resonance
- Practice effective interaction to foster motivation and enthusiasm not only amongst the team members but also around the team (corporate colleagues, clients, social environment of the organisation)
- Describe and manage crucial relational situations
Duration and Course points : 30 hours – 3 ECTS
Faculty : Prof. Sylvie Villa and Prof. Chris Altmikus
Your Professors

Prof. Sylvie Villa

Prof. Chris Altmikus