Executive Diploma

Successful Negotiations

Negotiation is a people skill that requires good networking skills, the ability to analyze, careful preparation and planning, listening and observation skills, the capacity to withstand pressure and uncertainty as well as the ability to express thoughts clearly.

Negotiation is daily part of life. We negotiate with family, friends, colleges, employers and people around us. Negotiation is also the key to business as well as diplomacy success. Within a company, negotiation skills can lead to your career advancement.
These are some of the content :
– Negotiate effectively across borders and cultures
– Foster understanding and promote resolution among parties whose interests and perceptions conflict.
– Build and sustain productive, long-term business relationships with all parties involved.

Course Code :GNI1010
Participants :NGOs, Civil Servants, Policymakers.
Duration :
Evaluation :Questioner for feedback will be given end of the session
  • Training material will be provided
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